Tuition Monitor (TM, Empowering the Students)
What is Tuition Monitor?
Tuition Monitor or TM is a campaign initiative of various student councils, publications and student organizations specifically created to address the issue of tuition and other fee increases in Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs).
TM is a national network of students uniting against the rising cost of education in the country with a definite objective of disseminating information on the illegal suspension of CHED Memorandum Order No. 14 (CMO 14) and its amendments (CMO 42) to the reimplementation of CMO 13, providing assistance (even legal assistance) to student councils who will primarily be consulted on school fee increases, documentation of the events occurring during the whole consultation process. A TM hotline will be available to all students to air their grievances over the school consultation process.
The National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) is a nation-wide alliance of student councils/governments/unions committed to the advancement of the students’ democratic rights and welfare. Since its establishment in 1957, the NUSP has been consistently at the forefront of the students’ struggle for their rights and welfare.
What are the objectives of Tuition Monitor?
- to vigilantly examine tuition and other fee increases imposed by school administrations
- to gather data on specific cases of questionable tuition and other fee imposition and the lack of consultation with students
- to ensure that students are properly and thoroughly consulted on each and every increase in tuition and other fees as specified by CHED Memorandum Order No. 13 (CMO No. 13)
- to critically examine the suitability of CMO No. 13 from our concrete experiences during its implementation
- to push for legislation guaranteeing a genuine regulation of school fee impositions.
- to push for a review on the illegal suspension of CMO No. 14 and its amendments (CMO 42) and the reimplementation of CMO 13
- to push for a nationwide moratorium on tuition and other fee increases in all colleges and universities
What are TM’s activities?
- We organize focus discussion groups on CHED Memorandum related to tuition and other fees increase.
- We arrange conferences among student councils and organizations to share experiences and lessons with their respective campaigns against tuition and other fee increases in their schools
- We conduct forums and symposia in various schools to discuss and disseminate the issue of tuition and other fee increases and the right of students to be consulted
- We initiate lobbying sessions with our lawmakers from the Senate and House of Representatives.
- We conduct dialogues with officials from the CHED to air our grievances and raise our concerns
- We popularize our campaign against unabated tuition and other fee hikes by producing and distributing TM pins, t-shirts, and cell phone logos to our fellow students
- We build alliances with other sectors in the university with the aim of gaining further support for our issues and aiding them with their struggles
- We organize mass actions such as pickets, walk-outs and rallies with the students as symbolic protests in furtherance of our goals
- We expose anomalous tuition and other fee impositions and the lack of consultation through investigative reporting by student media.
How can you contact us?
Please contact us at our TM hotline (09238177804) or email us at for any inquiry or if you have any concerns regarding tuition and other fee increases in your school.